Source code for calibkinect

These are some functions to help work with kinect camera calibration and projective

    - Convert the kinect depth image to a metric 3D point cloud
    - Convert the 3D point cloud to texture coordinates in the RGB image

Notes about the coordinate systems. There are three coordinate systems to worry about.

 1. Kinect depth image: (u, v, depth) u and v are image coordinates,

    (0,0) is the top left corner of the image
    (640,480) is the bottom right corner of the image.

    Depth is the raw 11-bit image from the kinect, where 0 is infinitely far away
    and larger numbers are closer to the camera
    (2047 indicates an error pixel)
 2. Kinect rgb image: (u, v) u and v are image coordinates

    (0,0) is the top left corner
    (640,480) is the bottom right corner
 3. XYZ world coordinates: (x, y, z)
    The 3D world coordinates, in meters, relative to the depth camera. 

    (0,0,0) is the camera center.
    Negative Z values are in front of the camera, and the positive Z direction points
    towards the camera.
    The X axis points to the right, and the Y axis points up. This is the standard 
    right-handed coordinate system used by OpenGL.

import numpy as np

[docs]def depth2xyzuv(depth, u=None, v=None): """ Return a point cloud, an Nx3 array, made by projecting the kinect depth map through intrinsic / extrinsic calibration matrices You can provide only a portion of the depth image, or a downsampled version of the depth image if you want; just make sure to provide the correct coordinates in the u,v arguments. Example: # This downsamples the depth image by 2 and then projects to metric point cloud u,v = mgrid[:480:2,:640:2] xyz,uv = depth2xyzuv(freenect.sync_get_depth()[::2,::2], u, v) # This projects only a small region of interest in the upper corner of the depth image u,v = mgrid[10:120,50:80] xyz,uv = depth2xyzuv(freenect.sync_get_depth()[v,u], u, v) :param depth: comes directly from the kinect :param u: image coordinates, same size as depth (default is the original image) :param v: image coordinates, same size as depth (default is the original image) :returns: xyz - 3D world coordinates in meters (Nx3) uv - image coordinates for the RGB image (Nx3) """ if u is None or v is None: u, v = np.mgrid[:480, :640] # Build a 3xN matrix of the d,u,v data C = np.vstack((u.flatten(), v.flatten(), depth.flatten(), 0*u.flatten()+1)) # Project the duv matrix into xyz using xyz_matrix() X, Y, Z, W =, C) X, Y, Z = X/W, Y/W, Z/W xyz = np.vstack((X, Y, Z)).transpose() xyz = xyz[Z < 0, :] # Project the duv matrix into U,V rgb coordinates using rgb_matrix() and xyz_matrix() U, V, _, W =, xyz_matrix()), C) U, V = U/W, V/W uv = np.vstack((U, V)).transpose() uv = uv[Z < 0, :] # Return both the XYZ coordinates and the UV coordinates return xyz, uv
[docs]def uv_matrix(): """ Returns a matrix you can use to project XYZ coordinates (in meters) into U,V coordinates in the kinect RGB image :return: matrix """ rot = np.array([[9.99846e-01, -1.26353e-03, 1.74872e-02], [-1.4779096e-03, -9.999238e-01, 1.225138e-02], [1.747042e-02, -1.227534e-02, -9.99772e-01]]) trans = np.array([[1.9985e-02, -7.44237e-04, -1.0916736e-02]]) m = np.hstack((rot, -trans.transpose())) m = np.vstack((m, np.array([[0, 0, 0, 1]]))) KK = np.array([[529.2, 0, 329, 0], [0, 525.6, 267.5, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0]]) m =, m) return m
[docs]def xyz_matrix(): """ Returns a matrix you can use to project U,V coordinates (in meters) into XYZ coordinates in the kinect RGB image :return: matrix """ fx = 594.21 fy = 591.04 a = -0.0030711 b = 3.3309495 cx = 339.5 cy = 242.7 mat = np.array([[1/fx, 0, 0, -cx/fx], [0, -1/fy, 0, cy/fy], [0, 0, 0, -1], [0, 0, a, b]]) return mat