Source code for kinectconnector

__author__ = "Andrea Rizzo, Matteo Bruni"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014, Dining Engineers"
__license__ = "GPLv2"

import numpy as np
import freenect

[docs]class KinectConnector(): """ Wrapper for the Freenect python libraries you can get_image() and get_depth() for separate channel images """ def __init__(self, device_number=0): self.device_number = device_number # this code was borrowed from #
[docs] def get_image(self): """ Get the next available rgb frame from the kinect, as a numpy array. :return: A numpy array, shape:(640, 480, 3) :rtype: np.uint8 """ video = freenect.sync_get_video(self.device_number)[0] #video = video[:, :, ::-1] # RGB -> BGR return video.transpose([1, 0, 2]) #
[docs] def get_depth(self): """ Get the next available depth frame from the kinect, as a numpy array. Low bits in this depth are stripped so it fits in an 8-bit image channel :return: A numpy array, shape:(640, 480) :rtype: np.uint8 """ depth = freenect.sync_get_depth(self.device_number)[0] np.clip(depth, 0, 2**10 - 1, depth) depth >>= 2 depth = depth.astype(np.uint8).transpose() return depth
[docs] def get_depth_matrix(self): """ Get the next available depth frame from the kinect, as a numpy array. :return: A numpy array, shape:(640, 480) :rtype: np.uint16 """ # NB: TRASPOSE THE MATRIX return freenect.sync_get_depth(self.device_number)[0].T