Source code for utils

__author__ = "Andrea Rizzo, Matteo Bruni"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014, Dining Engineers"
__license__ = "GPLv2"

import numpy as np
import cv2
#import pykdtree.kdtree

[docs]def to_rgb(im): # This should be fsater than 1, as we only # truncate to uint8 once (?) w, h = im.shape ret = np.empty((w, h, 3), dtype=np.uint8) ret[:, :, 2] = ret[:, :, 1] = ret[:, :, 0] = im return ret
[docs]def rgb2gray(rgb): r, g, b = rgb[:, :, 0], rgb[:, :, 1], rgb[:, :, 2] gray = 0.2989 * r + 0.5870 * g + 0.1140 * b return gray # def query_kdtree(data_tree, data_query): # kdtree = pykdtree.kdtree.KDTree(data_tree) # dist, idx = kdtree.query(data_query) # return dist, idx
[docs]def get_center_area_from_rect(rect): #print "rect: ", rect """ coordinates rect center """ cx = rect[0] + rect[2] / 2 cy = rect[1] + rect[3] / 2 area = area = rect[2] * rect[3] return cx, cy, area # (s[0], s[1]), (s[0]+s[2], s[1]+s[3])
[docs]def boxes_intersect(bbox1, bbox2): """ Return if two rect overlap """ return ((np.abs(bbox1[0]-bbox2[0])*2) < (bbox1[2]+bbox2[2])) and ((np.abs(bbox1[1]-bbox2[1])*2) < (bbox1[3]+bbox2[3]))
[docs]def boxes_intersect2(bbox1, bbox2): """ Return if two rect overlap """ def in_range(value, min, max): return (value >= min) and (value <= max) x_overlap = in_range(bbox1[0], bbox2[0], bbox2[0]+bbox2[2]) or in_range(bbox2[0], bbox1[0], bbox1[0]+bbox1[2]) y_overlap = in_range(bbox1[1], bbox2[1], bbox2[1]+bbox2[3]) or in_range(bbox2[1], bbox1[1], bbox1[1]+bbox1[3]) return x_overlap and y_overlap
[docs]def rect_similarity(rect1, rect2): """Check whatever two rect are similar with a tolerance of 10px in center distance and 0.1 in area ratio """ cx1, cy1, a1 = get_center_area_from_rect(rect1) cx2, cy2, a2 = get_center_area_from_rect(rect2) c_diff = np.linalg.norm(np.array([cx1, cy1]) - np.array([cx2, cy2])) a_ratio = a1/a2 if c_diff < 10: if np.abs(a_ratio-0.1) <= 1: return True else: return False else: return False
[docs]def rect_similarity2(r1, r2): """ Return if r1 and r2 satisfy overlapping criterion """ if boxes_intersect(r1, r2): # return similarity if similarity_measure_rect(r1, r2) > 0.5: return True return False return False
[docs]def similarity_measure_rect(bbox_test, bbox_target): """ Return similarity measure between two bounding box :param bbox_test: :param bbox_target: :return: """ def gen_box(bbox): from shapely.geometry import box box = box(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[0]+bbox[2], bbox[1]+bbox[3]) return box bbtest = gen_box(bbox_test) bbtarget = gen_box(bbox_target) return bbtarget.intersection(bbtest).area/bbtarget.union(bbtest).area
[docs]def norm_correlate(a, v): a = (a - np.mean(a)) / (np.std(a) * len(a)) v = (v - np.mean(v)) / np.std(v) return np.correlate(a, v)
[docs]def draw_bounding_box(image, bbox): """ Draw all bounding box inside image as red rectangle :param image: image where draw the bounding box :param bbox: array of bounding boxes as (x,y,w,h) where x,y is the topleft corner of the rectangle :return: image with bbox drawn """ for s in bbox: cv2.rectangle(image, (s[0], s[1]), (s[0]+s[2], s[1]+s[3]), 255, 1) return image